Friday, May 27, 2011

Homeward bound, I'm nearly homeward bound

Its been a couple of weeks, but seems a lot longer as my trip has been very full, and the time distance has meant I have felt very far away.
In fact I have been far away, all the way to another continent LOL 

Today I finished the work I was doing out here, and then bless my lovely husband, who is a mere 6750 miles away and 9 hours difference, stayed up to speak to me and have a video call before I start travelling back to the UK. 
Flowering cactus

I will be sorry to leave this astonishing country, as I would like to explore it further, but I would prefer to explore with company, not alone.  I learnt something about cacti - the traditional arizona cactus (saguaro) only grows arms after 100 years, so this one is a baby, but had some very lovely flowers on it.  My Dad used to keep small cacti in pots on his study window ledge, and we used to get so excited when a cacti flowered and here, I am surrounded by huge flowering cacti.  This one was outside an office block and is huge!

So its been an interesting trip, and I have really enjoyed the company of the videographer Cory, who made the experience of taping very dull courses as enjoyable as it could be.  He also was happy to share information about this crazy country, and we had some good chats during our lunches.

And now I am looking forward to being home again, hoping the cats will forgive me and that they haven't left any surprises around the place in protest!

Right - enough for now - travellers tales next week - hopefully there will be little to share, except the joy of seeing the family again.
My case is packed - to capacity and just a little bit more :) early to bed for an early start, leave the hotel at 6am, and my very long journey begins ...


  1. You're off to a great start and I am going to jump on, for the ride!

  2. mutual admiration Ms A - your 'bad granny' post made me laugh out loud - thank you :)

  3. Thanks! We granny's have to stick together.


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