Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sometimes I just feel out of sync ...

At the moment, I am working in Scottsdale, Arizona, in the US of A, and as a consequence, I'm feeling a little out of touch with home.  For a start, the time difference is not particularly helpful, as when I finish my working day, everyone back at home is fast asleep.  And if they're not, it means there is something wrong, as its the wee small hours of the morning for them.

So all the news I want to share has to wait a day to share it, and then only a quick snippet before I start my working day, and my family settle to their evening.

But I shouldn't complain - the weather here is glorious, the business opportunities seem to be growing, and all in all the visit to a natural wonder of the world has made the trip worth while.

First view of the Grand Canyon
Let me boast for just a moment, or better yet, try and give you a glimpse of how astonishing the Grand Canyon truly is - but I know my words won't do it justice.
It really is breathtaking - quite literally in my case, as when I looked at some of the vertiginous drops, I genuinely began to lose my breath!  I also had the most extraordinary tingling sensation in the soles of my feet, and a general 'uncomfortable' feeling in my middle!  I suppose these are classic symptoms of vertigo, but I'm not generally a sufferer. I even got those sensations when I watched other people go close to the edge, or when, unexpectedly, a view would suddenly provide a display of such incredible depth, you felt that the world had dropped away before you.
I love geology and could have spent many happy hours simply staring at the astonishing rock formations and strata of this extraordinary "Big Hole in the Ground'!

So no complaints that my work has allowed me to experience something which otherwise I might not have seen for a very long time.

Yin & Yang
But today, back at work, with aching calf muscles from the explorations of the canyon, I feel out of sync with my family and home.  I've just worked out that I might be spending as much as a month away in the next 2 months, and I will miss my family and friends, and my cats.  In fact in all of this, my cats are the biggest concern - in addition to our fat Siamese we also have a beautiful little Tonkinese, who belongs to my youngest daughter.  Mogwai is so attached to Fitz that the pair stay together, even though Cait no longer lives at home.  Leaving this playful pair to their own devices is not a good idea - they love people, and need the company.

But enough of my musings today - as my friends and family wake up, it is time for me to get to bed.  Tomorrow is another day, after all and I will soon be home with travellers tales to tell.  Night night everyone! :)

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