Saturday, May 28, 2011

What time is it?

Here I am back in the UK, struggling to stay awake to combat the inevitable jetlag after 2 weeks away in the US of A.
Fortunately the journey was uneventful, the most excitement caused when the gentleman of military bearing sitting in the next occupied seat near to me began snoring melodically ... 

This is the first year I have had to come back to an empty house after my business trips.  Let me explain - my lovely husband spends half the year in our rented house in Greece (our choice) and this is the first year all of the children have properly left home.  My eldest moved out when she was 16, then had a short re-appearance when she had her first baby, staying for 8 months, then off again.  My stepson Nick opted to stay with his Mum once he hit 16, leaving us with my boy and youngest daughter - he moved out last year at age 21, and daughter moved out (for the second time) this year in the spring.  So finally - empty nest syndrome has the potential to appear, and with a houseful like ours, dealing with family life with the 'mix and match' comings and goings, its been a very busy 24 years of children for me, and 17 years for my husband and I together.  

All this means that when I return from a trip away at the moment, I come back to an empty house except for 2 rather demanding oriental cats, who, in the way of cats, smother and ignore me by turns!

Its rather strange, and somewhat inconvenient, as it means I have to go and get myself some fresh milk for my tea when I get back :-)  There is much to do now, to de-clutter and downsize, and I have little or no interest or motivation if I am honest.  I am putting this down to getting used to being alone in the house, and of course, as I work for myself, there is always work to fill my time if I want there to be :-) 
But at some point, we will organise ourselves and move away from the big house we no longer really need.  It has served us well, and I think its all part of my 'empty nest' too - can't feel so empty if its somewhere new :-) 

I like the idea of new beginnings, fresh starts and new ventures - keep moving and keep trying new things.  Don't be afraid of change, even though it is often unsettling, its what keeps us alert.  Having said that, I admit to not liking changes much at all, but you learn to go with the flow in the end.

Well that was a little rambling post to say, 'I'm back in the UK' and to see if I could make sense whilst wrestling jetlag LOL - I cannot judge if this is any good - but the post may disappear if I thinks its rubbish when I am more awake! 


  1. Goodness gracious, woman, just kick back and relax. After all, everything will still be waiting, when you get over the jetlag.

  2. I found your blog through Ms A and am really enjoying reading about the happenings in your life.
    I am in England too, and know how you feel about jet-lag. Don't will still all be there tomorrow!

    New follower!


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